
No matter WHAT, i am going to STAND

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These things i know; I am going to serve my God all the days of my life unconditionally, i will die for my belief if necessary. Why am i so passionate one might ask, all i can say is i am sick and tired of the devil and his schemes but i am more tired of people letting themselves be use by him over and over. I surrender Lord, i surrender to you because why should i waste my time fighting against someone who's already been defeated, so stupid right, i am sorry but i am just a little aggravated. God never told us to fight the devil with our own strength. He gave us victory over all the works of the enemy when He sent Jesus to the cross.

James 4:7
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

At some point today i became so aggravated with a situation that arose in my life that i wanted to seriously forget everything the Lord had said to me and just let those who rose up against me HAVE IT! You know like "tell them how it is" type of thing. And then i heard the words i needed to hear .. Sometimes is not those people coming against you is the enemy testing you to see how loyal and true you stay to God's word. It reminded me of Job when God said well look here little devil, have you consider my servant Job? You see, when we are told to see things in the spirit is because we are not fighting a battle we can see with our naked eyes, this is a spiritual war therefore we have to be in spirit and in truth at all times so we are able to discern the things of God and the tactics of the enemy but we are not called to fight against him but to resist him. You get it RESIST and what happens he FLEES, yes he is a coward and has no power over God, he is left with one option to flee. Also remember that the devil has powers, yes he was a angel of God with powers so if you think you can stand up and fight against him you might not know what you are asking for. The Bible clearly says to resist him.

Now let's see how we resist him. Today i felt like tearing apart something I've been working so hard on all because i wanted to get some things off my chest, instead i resist him. I became aware first of how sad would my God be if i throw out the window all He's been showing me lately. Another way i resist him today was every time negative thoughts would pop in my mind i would throw back truth through the word of God ,yes, exactly as Jesus did when He was being tempted in the desert. The more i read God's word the more i learn how to live according to God's word and by staying consistently consistent i can put into practice everything i am suppose to be doing as a daughter of God.

I will leave this right here is 2 am and i have such a BIG day tomorrow.. God bless and remember, THE BATTLE HAS BEEN WON, LET'S NOT WASTE OUR TIME FIGHTING AGAINST SOMEONE WHO'S ALREADY BEEN SENTENCED IS POINTLESS..


Being light in Darkness

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Jesus, be the light that others see when they look at me. Sometimes we get caught up thinking how are we going to spread God's word around the world, How can we work and stay active in the ministry. As i meditate on this i am grateful to get answer from Him who "reveal ALL truth when one seek in spirit and in truth". I look at the people around me and evaluate my relationship with each of them and realize i have a lot of work to do not with them but within me. Sometimes i like to hold on to what Jesus said "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." I mean this is so true and of course it is, is coming from God himself. I understand but i ask God to help me not prove anything but to live in love, compassion, understanding and patience be light not only to the world but to those who constantly have their eyes on me.

This past week one of my daughter good friend lost his father suddenly of a heart attack. I was touched not only because is horrible that this happened to this family but i saw how my daughter opened her heart and embrace this boy who was very distraught and showed him Jesus in her through love and compassion. I saw how strong she stood assured him that he will not only see his father again as God promise but to cast all feelings to the Lord and He will give him comfort. I am filled with joy to know and see how God is working on her tender little heart :)

So when the world says hate Jesus says love. When the world says grab Jesus says give. When the world says react Jesus says respond. When the world says revenge Jesus says forgive. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and in order to life one must shun all darkness and be a LIGHT to the world.


True Love Dicipline

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Today i woke up with a heavy heart. I find myself fighting hard to stay a float. My will says get under the covers and just shut it all off and surrender to me your feelings, but my spirit says hold on tight for this too shall pass press on forward fighting the good fight for the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He loves YOU. Today as i drove back from dropping the kids at school i wanted to cry so loud and profound but i just couldn't it was as if someone was holding me tight hugging me and caressing me and every time i would move to say or even feel anything the Holy spirit would gently whisper "I am here Jackie, be faithful to my word and i will be with you all the days of your life". I came home and desperately opened my Bible seeking more and more comfort just like the Psalmist pleaded with God " Teach me your ways oh Lord and i will walk in your truth" Ah and of course He is never late nor forsakes us and takes me directly to what He wants me to know is going on right now that i can't seem to understand.

The word came to me from Hebrew 12:7-11

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.

Ah OK Father i see and receive the correction for ONLY you know what is best for me even though it hurts like crazy i continue reading the outcome of all perfect discipline.

Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

YES how calming to the soul is that! The world might think you have lost your mind when you tell them my Lord is disciplining me and as much as it hurts i embrace it and understand it. Reading this today gave me the strength i needed to go by my day because even though our God disciplines us He never forsakes us. FOR HE LOVES US...


Taking a Turn!

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After doing some blog hoping and soul searching i asked myself this question, why and f0r what am i blogging openly with others? Why don't i put my blog private and share with those i choose to share my writing with?

Truth is i almost went that direction with my blog, but i realize i have so much to say and i want the WHOLE world to hear me out. I thought about the reasons i shut down my myspace and facebook. I re lived those moments when i became so frustrated over this whole social network world and lately I've come to relive those feelings in the blogging scene too. I read many blogs with great substance i also read some that are copy of the previous one I've just read not because they copy and paste it but because the life of most mothers is very much alike especially us SAHM's. I asked myself if i wanted someone to read my blog as that "just another SAHM'S blog" and truth is i don't i am far beyond that. I was created by my heavenly father to care for my husband and my children, that i know, but beyond that there is someone inside me who also sees a world created for me to share with everyone God's plan of salvation and His word of joyful living in Him. Which in all truth is all i care doing in life besides of course taking great care of the first ministry entrusted to me which is my family.

I was talking to someone who said to me " is cool and all to feel like that but one has to live outside of religion sometimes" Uhm wait first let's explain something here, there is no such thing as living a religion but there is living a CHRIST centered life which means, living according to what GOD-JEHOVAH- JESUS Christ- who lives IN you expects and asks you to live by. My believe in Jesus is not a suit i put on and off when i feel like oooh no no no, this is a matter of LIVING not only what i believe but what is expected of me because i believe. Some might think i am crazy, crazy because i have a way of solving everything with "pray about it" or "wait on God he will come through" or "ask Him for guidance and He will direct your path" and i tell you YES I AM CRAZY, i am a fool for the word of God. If you tell me your down i tell you pray, if you tell me you are confuse i tell you ask God to guide you, why because is what i am instructed to do in my own life from God through His Holy Scriptures. I can't tell you any other way but God's way, for there is NO other way everything else is a illusion towards destruction.

In conclusion I'm thankful i can see a clear path as to what God wants and expects of me. I am grateful for family and friends who enjoy reading my blog and pray i can always be a bearer of good fruits for everyone i come across.


I don't know what the title of this post should be

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Today i have a serious case of "brain fog". I can't seem to find my way around, i should of listened to my hubby when he said GO BACK TO SLEEP I GOT IT. Got what? you don't have anything i got it. lol.. Yes, is something i suffer from time to time is called the "i got it" syndrome and believe me is getting better (so i hope). Today i finally left my home (beside driving and picking the 2 big kids to school) since Friday evening, wow almost a whole week. As you know we were stuck at home with the FLU. It felt good to be out but there was one problem my brain was just not functioning right, i guess it decided to take a break today HA!

Picture this, i am at the library looking for a book i ask the librarian where can i find it. She leads me towards the book and starts talking and talking and talking, i seriously was in space thinking Lord when is she ever going to stop. So i am here yessing her away thinking man she does not get it ah, i grabbed the book off her hand and say thank you so much sweety have a good afternoon :). I seriously almost had an anxiety attack!!! Did i forget to mention that while she was patiently talking all my kids except for 6 month Olivia where out of control, and this lady is here staring at me blank in the eyes as she yaps away SOMEONE SAVE ME! Just talking about it gets me wacko.

Ok moving on to yummy things. Let me show you what i cooked for my MIL today (she loves these) PICA WINGS .. What is Pica wings you might ask.. Well is our own Honey BBQ Wings for our very own restaurant that we are opening soon :) this time i made them with Bones but my kids prefer them boneless oh well this will do.. ENJOY..

Not sure what happened to my photo editing program!!! ughhhhhhhhhh well heres the best i could do...


My Self Image

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I always believed to be a confident woman. I thought i knew how to stand on my own two feet and let nothing or no one bring me down. I soon realized those were lies of the enemy within me. What is the enemy within? Most of the time we give the devil too much credit, we are quick to pass blame on him(hey that reminds me of 2 people who started the whole thing remember in the garden of Eden) don't get me wrong he is the cause of all evil but sometimes we must hold ourselves accountable for giving in to his craftiness. The enemy within is you not standing up against the devil. You become your own enemy. I was constantly letting the enemy bring me down and fill me with doubt. If the Lord says "I will deliver you be still" The enemy says "but when? you need it now, take the matter into your own hands and do this and that" The majority of time we end up listening to the lies and everything falls because it was not built firm on the right foundation JESUS.

Who you think you are in CHRIST is vital! If you are a person who feels unworthy or powerless you will not be able to produce worthy and powerful things. If you are a person without faith, you will not be able to move mountains. We need to check out self image and remember we are made in the image of the MOST HIGH. What does that mean, it can't mean we are created just like God, for God first of all is spirit and the unknown invisible GOD. When He says we are created in His image He means He placed His spirit inside of us so that we are filled with POWER to discern, fight, grow and live in His will.

As i evaluate my life and ask Him to take out ALL that is not of Him i check my self image and i see someone who is recognizing first of all the POWER the Lord gave me in HIS NAME of course to fight against the enemy. When doubt and anxiety and self pity arises- the IMAGE of the invisible GOD within me recognizes where these feelings come from and as the WORD says arm yourself with the armor of GOD and start throwing bible verses arrows to the enemy. Declare TRUTH in your life through the most effective method THE WORD OF GOD.
Let your self image get so wrapped up in God that you lose yourself in Him and become set FREE :) WOOO WHOOO I THINK I AM GOING TO GIVE THE LORD A SHOUT UP IN HERE!!!


Peace that ONLY He can give.

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OK so let me tell you about my last 5 days (you ready?) Friday at 4am i wake up to a scream "MOM, MOM MOMMMMM" throw myself out of bed thinking one of my little one is being abducted by aliens or something ( HA not really) you get the picture. I entered the boys room to find my 4yr old puked all over his bed ( sorry, yea this happens sometimes around here) So it's been 5 days of sleepless nights and LONG very LONG days. My little Olivia has been sick also. Yesterday i had to take her to the ER because she was wheezing really loud and had difficulty breathing so they gave her some breathing therapy. Today, she is a lot better.

All the while I've been sick as well but my Lord has given me this in explainable peace that can only come from HIM. He says in His word He does not give us more than what you can handle therefore, i made those words come alive in my life through my actions. The more we seek HIM the more He reveals himself to us. Ask and you shall find for everything Of the Lord is good.


Steps Of Faith Challenge #6

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Wow what a day I've had! All i did was sleep, read, sleep, play with kids and take care of 2 sick little ones. Unfortunately no church service for us :( which made me a little sad. Did i also tell you it was snowing in New England today! yes SNOW.. Crazy! but i am not even going to complain or mention the weather anymore..

Moving on to better things i want to update you a little on last week's challenge that was to read the word more and more. Go head deep in it. Well i did and i must share that not only have i learned so much about my God but i am learning more and more to let go and let Him handle every aspect of my life, yes letting go completely. I am experiencing a peace in me that nothing in this world but God can give. The more i learn about God's characteristics the more i am drawn to please Him.

For those who honor Me I will honor,and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed. 1Samuel 2:30

I want to Honor Jehovah with all my being. With that said Let's get on to this weeks challenge;

We always hear this "be the change you want to see in this world" I love this but how hard is to do this. I am learning everyday that in order to see change in something you want to change you have to take a new attitude towards that situation. You have to place yourself in the other's person's shoe and start an inner change within. So i challenge you to change something within that is not pleasant to the Lord, make Him happy. We are living testimony and i guarantee you the minute you start doing good for yourself and others it will trickel down to those who have theirs eyes on you.



Don't give me feel good messages, I want the TRUTH that will set me FREE..

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These days i am concern about how preachers are simply concentrated on telling people what they want to hear. Give us milk over and over and not enough meat (of course we have a responsibility to read the word ourselves). I know your not to give a new believer or even a non believer a class of theology every Sunday but please don't go up there quoting authors and philosophers, give me some BIBLICAL teaching lets breakdown verses. Talk to me about the WORD that gives me life. Teach me what God expects of me,
His characteristics, majesty and greatness. I mean how is the body of Christ to grow if people are simply NOT reading the word, and if they do they go to the feel good verses (which don't get me wrong are great) but let's dig deep into the gift we are to Jesus. God gave us as a gift to Jesus before he created the earth.

Ephesians 1:4 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight"

Jesus offered us Himself as a gift to us to be saved. The minute you understand God's greatness and plan, i believe you will begin to live a life worthy of the call.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

The thing is that we are not here to be concern about the things of this world but of the things to come, because that is eternal. Once we come to Christ we die in the earthly man, we are DEAD to the world and ALIVE in Christ.

Colossians 3:2-3 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

Let's love Wisdom and Knowledge and not rejected it so that we may continue to live in Him who sent us for eternity.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.


Your a What! SAHM, Girl Who Does that.

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OK so i am having a hard time understanding why some people when they ask me what i do for a living and i answer i am a stay-at-home mom look at me as if I AM SOME KIND OF WEIRD SPECIMEN. I mean like seriously my "occupation" has been around since Eve started having babies, which means i am the ORIGINAL specie around The funniest thing I've come across was someone actually calling me LAZY because i choose to stay home and raise my children (that was one of the moments in my life when i had to drop to my knees and ask my Lord for patience OR ELSE) I mean how can you possibly think i am simply staying home being lazy, not only that you got offended because i looked at you as if you had 20 heads,uhm yea let's not get the offended cards all twisted here please. The overall truth here is that as long as you and your family are in full agreement of your choices what else matters (yea what else matters ah :P

Enough on that subject for even writing about it makes me Let me tell you a little about my feelings (WHAT your going to talk about the craziness in you) No i am not but i want to mainly give thanks to God for embracing me and hearing my prayers :) I just had a baby girl 5 1/2 months ago which completes my baby factory to 4. Before i had my little Olivia i never thought parenting to be as hard as i felt it being these past few months. After i had her i became a ball of emotions. Let me keep it real, i had the baby blues and knew nothing of it because with my previous pregnancies i never experienced this junk. When Olivia turned 4 1/2 months i went to see my doctor and explained to her what i was feeling,after hearing me out for a bout 2 minutes she simply pulled out her notepad and says, you have PPD here is a medication that should make you feel better within 2 weeks (OK thanks for listening) To keep this short, after listening to the side effects of this medication and praying to God to enlighten me, the moment i entered my home i riped the prescription in two, recognize what i had got in prayer warrior mode and began the healing process.
It's been almost 2 months since that day and today i give THANKS to God for hearing my cry. I am not only back to my old self, I AM BETTER THAN THAT. I know there are some people out there who really need to take these medications because their condition is severe, but to our GOD there is nothing impossible. If you just open up your heart to receive from Him, He is able to do everything and anything you ask in prayer.

Psalm 46:1 ” God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble “.


I believe. Wait do i really believe?

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Rainy days are so good for me sometimes, i can stay home and get things done with a clear mind (don't ask i have no clue why). As i drove back from dropping half of my kids at school today i reflected on God's word. Different Bible verses came to mind to soothe the anxious feeling i was experiencing inside. God spoke to me but did i really BELIEVE what god had spoken to me at that moment through those verses? Of course i did why wouldn't I, well maybe because my actions were not showing it, i believe it in my "mind" yet not in my heart. As i recognize what i was doing i was convicted of my actions. I asked the Lord to help me surrender EVERYTHING to HIM, especially the things i have no control over.

How many times don't we do this? Is sad because we pray and we pray and i don't ever want say or think that we pray in vain but if our heart don't change or receive and BELIEVE what God tells us through His word, how then are we ever going to see and experience the life he called for us to have. I told my Father that i surrender EVERYTHING to HIM, i want Him to guide me at all times and when "those" negative feelings arise not only may He rebuke the devil far from me but that He also set me straight as to why am i even allowing those thoughts to torment me when His word has been spoken already (kind of giving me a good spanking, shoot sometimes we really need one)

Our God deserves a lot more respect, he is not the father of lies and deceit. He is the God of Yesterday, Today and eternity, His word never changes. We should not only believe everything said in His word the Bible but also LIVE it...

Dinner awaits..God bless and stay encouraged :)


Not Me Monday!

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Yea i am excited about my first NOT ME entry from MckMama's blog. I am always snooping around her blog and miss out on all the fun because i never seem to join the fun, but this time i am in.

I would like to start by saying that NO it was not me who woke up today at 11 and stayed in bed a little longer until noon, nope not me. And it was def not me who dint even bother to ask any of my little ones if they at least had cereal for breakfast (HA i did think about it but not to hear no mom i am hungry i dint even bother asking) To add to the craziness i did not just order pizza for lunch and chilled with friends who came to visit me today and now to top it off is not me who is simply making spaghetti with sauce for dinner. WHO ME? Did i add to that i am not still in pajamas? Nope not me...

It seriously feels like one of those days where you just want to shut all the noise from your mind OFF and relax. Put the to-do list away and just have a random day! YES is just one of those days and i am going to finish enjoying it..


Steps of Faith Challenge # 5

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I decided to change the name of the challenges to "Steps Of Faith weekly challenges". I find that i am taking steps in my walk toward sanctification which require a lot of FAITH in order to continue encouraged. I've also realized that even though it should not be like this, some woman are intimidated by the Proverb 31 woman. Yes to some it seems something far fetched. I disagree with that thought and continue encourage to live by that Proverb 31 woman and beyond. I also want anyone and everyone to participate in these challenges not only married women or mothers.

This weeks challenge is:


This is something we need to do all the days of our lives for it is vital for us to live in God's will. I also want to ask you guys to pray for me i want to stay encouraged with a clear mindset and sometimes it seems as if daily routines and expectations can get you a little So please keep me in your prayers.. God bless and stay encouraged in HIS LOVE


Hey Kids, Guess what we having tonight!

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Today at the DLC home is TACO night!! and the kids scream "yeahhhhh" I am going to tell you a little secret about me but please don't judge me or tell anyone ( HA yea i am jk) I dislike cooking very very much, i mean i get it done but not with LOVE. Lately I've been working on cooking with LOVE and the results has been awesome i mean yes it does make a HUGE difference when you make something just because rather than with LOVE.
It reminded me of this verse in

Colossi ans 3:23-24 --Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Might seem as if i am being to dramatic but it's a big deal to me for i am also showing that i care for what and how others feel.. And we all know good food is good for the soul :)


Momma said they'll be Days like This!

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So I've come to realize i have a serious case of homebodyness (there i go again making up words) Let me explain. I can't leave my house for too long or i start getting all anxious, it happens to me most on the weekdays when i know i have to get things done before a certain time. So i mainly leave to take my 2 little ones out, my husband takes care of the supermarket stuff and all that for I CAN'T STAND THE THOUGHT OF FOOD SHOPPING! Yes it drives me a little coo coo..So today i left to visit a friend early in the morning and never made it back home until i picked up the kids at school at 4pm. I seriously had to talk to myself the whole time i was driving to school (is OK Jackie you will get things done when you get home-breath-breath) No i am not crazy (so i like to believe) but not being on a schedule gets me nutty. I left the house nice and clean nothing major needed to get done, but in a house of 6 when isn't there things to do?

So i managed to get home at almost 4pm, i had to stop at the mall to pick up something really quick and once i entered my home i managed to talk myself to calmness, gave the kids a snack until dinner time and decided to relax and blog a bit so i can finally get the afternoon routine started. Not to mention i have Bible study tonight and i think i am going to have to pass on it because is one of those cloudy days where i can't seem to find my way through. But i must admit i had a great time at my friend's house and i am going to relax and take it my way.. Nice and slow.. Oh and chill...I am looking forward to my workout tonight and then cuddle in my sheets with a good Book..Oh yea my fave.. I mean the word of God says don't worry or be anxious and that's exactly what i am going to do :)


WOW my first AWARD!! Yeyyyyy..

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Thanks sooo much to KATE for giving me this awesome award, You ROCK!!

This award does come with a few rules;

  1. Answer the survey can only use one word answers!

  2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers!

  3. Alert them that you have given them this award!

  4. Have Fun!

OK now Let the FUN begin

  1. Where is your cell phone?- Bag

  2. Your hair? -Frizzy

  3. Your mother?- Heaven

  4. Your father? -DR

  5. Your favorite food?-Pasta

  6. Your dream last night?- None

  7. Your favorite drink? Water

  8. Your dream/goal? - Help

  9. What room are you in?- Kitchen

  10. Your hobby?- Reading

  11. Your Fear?- None

  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? - Sucessful

  13. Where were you last night?-Cleaning

  14. Something that you aren’t? Crafty

  15. Muffins? NO

  16. Wish list item? Sewing Machine :)

  17. Where did you grow up? NY

  18. Last thing you did? Coffee

  19. What are you wearing? Sweats

  20. Your TV? Kids

  21. Your pets? NONE

  22. Friends? Yeyyy

  23. Your life? Unpredictable

  24. Your mood? Chillz

  25. Missing someone? Always

  26. Vehicle? Minivan

  27. Something you’re not wearing? Socks

  28. Your favorite store? Target

  29. Your favorite color? Red

  30. When was the last time you laughed? today

  31. Last time you cried? uhmmm

  32. Your best friend? Hubby

  33. One place that I go to over and over? Laptop

  34. One person who emails me regularly? LOL

  35. Favorite place to eat? Olive Graden..

Now my 6 Blogs friends who deserve this award aswell :)

  1. Pamela

  2. Grace

  3. Tracey

  4. Kass

  5. Courtney

  6. Montse

That was fun!! Now off to cook some dinner :)


Proverbs 31 Weekly challenge #4

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WOW what a long and blessed day today has been. Service was great and a afternoon with great food and friends was right on. So here we are challenge #4, but first i want to give you a brief update on last week's challenge which didn't go as i had planned but oh well i live on God's timing anyways. So the challenge was to make amends or call someone you had no spoke to in a while. I mainly did this challenge because in my own personal life i have to make amends with someone i love dearly, but God knows i tried and was unsuccessful, so again i will continue to pray and wait on God :)

Now this weekend my kids and i worked on something really cool which i saw at SPRITTIBEE'S blog and thought it was great to do with my own kids. It teaches about creation and all the things God completed in 6 days. I thought this was great as a visual especially for my 4yr old so he can have a understanding as to how he and the world was created, and that the monkey or big bammm junk is just that JUNK! it out.. (again we are NOT the craftiest family so please bare with us)

OK so this week's challenge is;

Create a Bible base project with your kids, yes you heard right! create create...I had a blast with his project and plan to make very good use of it.. Now go on create your project and share with us.. Is Simple enjoy... :)

Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.


Till Death do Us Apart!

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I am sitting here looking through my wedding album and i can't help to think of all the good, bad and OK moments we've gone trough, and rejoice. Yes i am filled with joy because even if i would love to erase some of the crazy episodes we lived, i know they've also made us stronger. No one said marriage would be easy but i learned through out the years that i will not give it to the devil just like that. Today, i see way too many divorce and any way you put it- it's a sin unless there's been infidelity or your life might be in danger. I am no one to sit here and judge anyone, i can only live by God's word and tell you what it says. It frustrates me how selfish people can be sometimes, to think that ending a marriage is the way out for them individually and not considering everyone they hurt along the way.

I encourage anyone who is unhappy in their marriage to seek God's council first. To ask God to come and put things in perspective. To remind us about that promise we made FIRST to GOD then to each other. The institution of marriage is very sacred to God and should not be take lightly, for Jesus even refers Himself as the bridegroom and us the bride who he paid a price for and shares great LOVE for, that's how sacred marriage is to God. I've found that the more i love my husband the more he loves me and i pray that i continue to pray with out ceasing for my husband and our marriage.

Thankful Thursday!

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Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

I love linking up to these Thankful Thursdays for i have so much to be thankful for.
  1. The freedom to worship God
  2. The sacrifice Jesus Christ made for human kind.. Thank you father
  3. For the inner change the lord's made in me.
  4. God strengthening my relationship with my daughter.
  5. Our family restaurant the Lord's given us.. Opening soon yessss
  6. My God fearing husband.
  7. Always providing in the mist of everything

I will be faithful to my Saviour for he's heard my cry.. I am learning to wait and rely on God EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE.. I will forever be grateful for His ultimate sacrife and be very very careful not to grief the Holy Spirit of God..