
Be still and know i am GOD

Be still and Know i am God.....

I drive a lot these days, some days are better than others, yet the alone time i get to spend with the Lord is priceless. As a mother of 4 it seems impossible at time. Over the past few weeks I've been feeling a bit out of balance. This morning as i drove back home, i was thinking what's the deal, why don't i feel this joy i should feel? why am i not hearing from YOU lord? Why why why, where are you LORD that i can't hear you, why are you not talking to me? Why do i feel so alone? And to lift up my sword to fight, feels like a ton of weight on my shoulder. I was searching for answers, i wanted to hear something i never heard before, I wanted to get enlighten on the latest spiritual thing If you know what i am saying.
And it all came very softly as i decided to shut up and listen. The Lord clearly said, I have been here all along, Where have you been? I am the God of Yesterday, today and eternity, i never change, where have you been? Everything i was asking was said to me in a simple answer, and i was faced with the truth.

When in desperate need of God we are on our knees asking and pleading for God to rescue us, which don't get me wrong is the best thing you can ever do. But once we get that answer to get us back on our knees sometimes never comes until we are hit with a storm all over again. Stiff neck people why do we keep falling for the same traps over and over!!! Why do we have to walk around like the rest of the world, why is our light on today and tomorrow darkness surrounds us. How sad is it that some of us need storms to continuously come our way, for us to surrender to GOD. Be still and Know i am God...Be still and know i am the one in charge you can not do anything if i don't approve.

4 Comment Here:

Praisin' Scrapper said...

loving this one! thanks Girl!

Erica Mueller said...

Great thoughts. I love the picture you chose for this! If only life were this obvious! :-)

Found you on 5M4M BlogFrog community!

Unknown said...

Hi Erica thanks for stopping by.. Nice to meet you :)

This i wrote at a moment where i felt life was not too "obvious" and needed a bit of a reality check from my God. I found myself doing a lot of talking to Him and not listening at all therefore i felt lost, So this picture right here shows exactly what HE had to show me to STOP STOP don't take another STEP and LISTEN. Once i did i was able to apply what He asked of me..

God Bless you.. Look forward to many more shared thoughts..

Anonymous said...

Very well said :)