UGh... I seriously thought i could design my blog on my own, but goodness so annoying! No more of that until i am able to afford a designer..
Any who.. Moving on...
I want to show you guys some of my
awesomest ornaments. Over here at the DLC's we try to do Christmas for what it really is, "Jesus Birth". It might of not been in December, but December works for us...
I ordered these ornaments last year from I wish i would of order more this year, but how i feel this year is another story i plan on sharing later...
The Nativity represents the place of Jesus Birth- Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

This is a Chrystal clear cross with some gold trimming- Represents the Sacrifice Jesus made for you and I.

The white Dove is a symbol of the Holy spirit, which lives in all who in Him believe.

Ah and of course The Bible, The Word of God...

These are just cute- with inspirational quotes...

I hope you enjoyed them as much as i LOVE them.. God Bless
2 Comment Here:
I always try to decorate with things that remind me what this time of year is about.
I love those ornaments! So much more meaningful than reindeer, snowman, etc. :)
I've read your blog before but never left a comment, so I figured today would be as good as any to leave a note! I admire you for how much effort you've put into doing The Shred. I'd considering doing it if they started selling it here in Bolivia, haha! :)
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